To the kingdom of God
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink;
but righteousness (right relationship)
and peace
(wholeness & security)
And Joy
In the Holy Ghost
(source & flow)
Romans 14:14 KJV
We believe that the kingdom of God is a present reality and will expand until the knowledge of his lordship covers the earth, The Government of God is the purpose of God, it is the extension of his rule and dominion in the earth and the universe, The church, universal and local, mystical intangible, invisible and invisible, is the instrument through which the purpose is to be realized, therefore our orientation is towards the appearance of the Lord, not the disappearing of the Saints. ( Gen 1:26-28; Dan2:44-45; 7:27; Hab 2:14; Mark 1:14-15; Rom14:17; Eph 3:21 Heb 12:25-29;
Rev 1:6; 5:10;11:15; 19:1-6)
Apostle Calvin & Elder Dee Cook
Is fundamental concerning the foundations of the blood atonement of Jesus Christ, repentance and faith, water and Spirit baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, the various judgments, and the literal, bodily coming of the Lord, along with His many other comings.
Is Biblically based and sound. Genuine prayer and worship in the Spirit will cause us to become a house of prayer. We desire to actively walk in the simplicity or singleness of the life of Jesus Christ.